冷链工程(Cold Chain ) 泛指冷藏冷冻类食品或物品在生产、贮藏运输、销售,到消费前的各个环节中始终处于规定的温度环境下,以保证食品的口感和新鲜度、锁定更多的营养成分、保证物品质量,减少食品、物品损耗的一项系统工程。它是随着科学技术的进步、制冷技术的发展而建立起来的,是以冷冻工艺学为基础、以制冷技术为主要手段的保温物流过程(包括冷库、冷藏车和保温产品等)。冷链工程的要求比较高,需要的配套技术和经验也相应高,相应的管理和资金方面的投入也比普通的常温物流要大。上海佳寰实业有限公司有二十多年的冷链专业经验和技术,帮助越来越多的企业和个人满足冷链需求。
Engineering (Cold Chain Cold Chain) refers to frozen frozen food or items in production, storage, transportation, sales, remain the regulations to the consumption of each link in the temperature of the environment, to ensure the taste and freshness of food, lock more nutrition, ensure the quality of goods, reduce loss of food, items, and a systematic project. It is with the progress of science and technology, refrigeration technology development and set up, based on refrigeration technology, refrigeration technology as the main means of insulation logistics process (including cold storage, refrigerated trucks and insulation products, etc.). Cold-chain engineering request is higher, need to form a complete set of technology and experience and corresponding high, corresponding management and capital investment also is bigger than ordinary normal temperature logistics. Shanghai jia atlas industrial co., LTD. Has more than 20 years of cold-chain professional experience and technology to help more and more enterprises and individuals to meet the demand of cold chain.

• 高效保鲜保温用品

• 现代冷库设备

• 专业冷藏用车